
Old Testament VIII: Psalms 51–150 is unavailable, but you can change that!

More than fifty church fathers are cited here from Ambrose to Zephyrinus. From the British Isles, Gaul and the Iberian Peninsula, we find Hilary of Poitiers, Prudentius, John Cassian, Valerian of Cimiez, Salvian the Presbyter, Caesarius of Arles, Martin of Bruga, Braulio of Saragossa and Bede. From Rome and Italy, we find Clement, Justin Martyr, Callistus, Hippolytus, Novatian, Rufinus, Maximus...

Christ to be the Son of God (TERTULLIAN, AUGUSTINE). Believers should serve God only, not the demons that seek to destroy them (ORIGEN). Believers should not worship demons instead of God since they are powers who have been conquered by Christ (TERTULLIAN). Lack of faith makes us prey to corruption and should be feared more than wild beasts, which did not harm people of faith in Scripture (BASIL). Beware of Satan, who has not lost his power and especially to be feared when he uses flattery (AUGUSTINE).
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